Berikut kami sediakan soal tryout Ujian Nasional SMA IPA. Soal meliputi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Kimia, Biologi, Fisika dan Matematika. Anda bisa download keseluruhan soal dari link yang tersedia pada bagian akhir tulisan ini.
Contoh Soal Tryout Ujian Nasional SMA Bahasa Inggris:
Text 5
This text is for questions 32-35
My family and I live in a four-room flat. It is only ten-minutes walk from my school.
The flat is not very big. It is cosy and quiet. It is a sanctuary where we can relax and find our own space. In our home, we enjoy temporary relief from the pressure of office and school.
The moment we step into the flat, we will be struck by a pretty centerpiece made of seashells. It is placed on an antique table under a landscape painting.
There are pots of indoor plants placed near the door. The trophies collected by the children are displayed in a low cupboard.
The bedrooms are painted in pastel shades to set a relaxing mood. Curtains and cushion covers, bedspreads and cabinets are kept to these tones.
That is our house. Although some people give our home a second glance, we are proud of it.32. what is the topic of the text?
a. my room
b. a four room flat
c. indoor plants which collected by children
d. a painted bedrooms
e. an antique table33. which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. the flat is so comfortable and quiet
b. we find pressure of office and school at home
c. there are no pots of indoor placed near the door
d. The trophies collected by parents
e. The bedrooms are painted in pastel shades to set a bad mood
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penting nuy buat semesteran besuk.
ox susah banget sech carinya,..
antu aku ea..
kuncinya mana nih? percuma aku udah njawab tapi nggak tau kuncinya.
ok, se7 sangat aq,. kalo kaga ad kuci jawab pun aq se7, itu artinya supaya kita qt harap gampang,. bnr kan ??
tolong kirimi soal try out un 2011
tolong carikan aku bayangan soal dan kunci jawabannya ujian nasional please……..
tolong carikan saya soal dan kunci jawabannya UAN kelas 3 SMA tahun 2011
please…… 🙁
yg SD ada gax?? 🙂
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scpat nya yha..
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