Soal ini adalah soal Ulangan Akhir Semester kelas 9 SMP untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, tahun pelajaran 2009/2010, semester ganjil / semester 1. Soal ini diberikan pada SMP di kabupaten Tulang Bawang. Silakan download soal ini untuk melihat lebih lengkapnya.
Contoh Penggalan Soal Ujian Akhir Semester Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9:
3. Wrapping the bottom part of the plastic bottle with a piece of white paper, what step is this?
a. The last
b. The fourth
c. The second
d. The first4. Draw some interesting picture on the paper and paint them.
The underline word has the same meaning as ….
a. Happy
b. Bad
c. Sad
d. Nice5. Danu: It is at 9 o’clock …. that he will come here.
Dimas: Of course, he will. He is always on time.
a. Are you sure
b. Are you fine
c. Do you drink
d. Do you doubt6. Rani: This is too expensive for me. …. my money will be enough.
a. I’m sure
b. I’m not sure
c. I’m okay
d. I’m not doubtful7. You can use the following expression of asking repetition, except ….
a. Pardon
b. I beg your pardon
c. Thanks
d. Sorry, what is it?
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