Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional SMA IPA/IPS 2013

Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional SMA IPA/IPS 2013

Berikut ini adalah prediksi soal UN (ujian nasional) 2013 untuk jenjang SMA IPA dan IPS. Anda bisa menggunakan soal ini sebagai latihan belajar anda sebelum menghadapi Ujian Nasional 2012/2013. Soal-soal UN ini kami kompres dalam sebuah file supaya lebih mudah untuk di download. Untuk meng-ekstrak file, silakan gunakan program WinZip atau WinRar.

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Contoh Soal Prediksi UN SMA Bahasa Inggris:

Text (For questions no 1-3)

On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu hotel which is not far from Malioboro.

On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wishnu Temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and syiwa temples because Wisnu temple is being renovated.

On Friday morning, we went to Yogyakarta keraton. We spent two hours there. we were lucky because we led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobodur. We arrived there at 4 pm. At 5 p.m we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate was closed. In the evening, we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.

1. The text mainly discusses ….
a. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
b. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
c. the writer’s impression about the guide
d. the writer’s experience at Yogyakarta keraton
e. the writer’s impression about Borobudur

2. Which temple is being renovated?
a. Syiwa
b. Wisnu
c. Brahma
d. Borobudur
e. Syiwa and wisnu

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
a. the writer and the students went to Yogyakarta for having a research
b. the writer went to Borobudur first and then to keraton
c. the writer was very disappointed with the guide
d. Malioboro is very far from Dirgahayu Hotel
e. the writer left for Jakarta on Friday

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